Friday, April 16, 2010

How to cope in exam period..

It is exam time.
It is interesting to see what I fall back on to cope with the stress. I can tell you ONE thing I have definitely been doing a LOT of - exercising.
I have been running a lot, but I have my first race this weekend, so I have switched to roller blading.

There has been a lot of How I Met Your Mother and Gossip Girl.

There has been a lot of reading for pleasure. My current book is "On Writing Well"by William Zinssier.

And..baking. These are only some of the things I took pictures of. I have definitely been whipping up a storm in the kitchen. Anything to procrastinate from studying, eh? :)

Below is a cheese cake I made for my friend.

These are chocolate brownie cupcakes with peanut butter frosting. Probably the best things EVER.

This is a fractured post because I need to scurry back to ma français etudies.
