Thursday, September 24, 2009

Running on a cloud

I am haloed in a type of runner’s euphoria which may or may not be influenced by the third piece of dark chocolate I am inhaling.
Let’s start at the beginning. Say hello to the newest member of my running shoe family:
I admit, I am not a pink girl, but they are custom made for marathon runners and orthotic wearers (of which I am both). I made this lofty purchase on my way home from school yesterday and it was all I could do to wait until running training tonight to try them out.

How did they work? Like running on a cloud! It was also my first time at running club, and I met some amazing people. I am merging into the sister group that trains for marathons and because there are less people you get more specialized training. I am the only female, but I am feeling like I can hold my own. I am just excited for my first half marathon in the spring.

This will make me step closer to stroking the object of “Run a marathon” off my bucket list. I think I am taking a bit of the morning off this Saturday to do the 5K fun run in Wellesley.

I also met with a few people this evening to go over the logistics of a new group we are forming on campus. It is primarily for Believers and we will focus strongly on prayer. I am excited to start it and see where God takes it!
I guess those are the greatest things to note as of today. Tomorrow I have a special technology seminar to attend early in the morning, so I better get all my things done so I can be alert.
I am off running!

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